星期六, 3月 25, 2023

[除錯] Anker Soundcore Motion+ 無法藍芽配對(找不到)

 日前入手一台Anker Soundcore Motion+ 防水藍牙喇叭,在第一次進行藍芽配對十分順利,沒想到要配對第二台設備時,不管在手機或是平板、notebook都無法找到這台設備,說明書翻了又翻,按鍵組合再怎麼按都不會出現,最後在網路費了好長一段時間,終於被我發到方法了!

If you cannot pair your souncore motion+ with 2nd or 3rd devices, try following step to solvde the issue.

For me it did work. pressing “BT once, then the power button quickly” saved my day. You will see the bluetooth light is blinking.

在喇叭開機的狀態,先按一下BT藍芽鍵,接著"快按"一下側邊的電源鍵,此時BT鍵旁的燈號就會開始閃爍藍燈,此時到第二台的裝置上就可找到Soundcore Motion+


Enjoy it.
